Acupuncture and Meridian Charts
Meridian charts are tools that provide a variety of information and help. A big part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, these charts display the procedures, processes and formulas of acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient healing method that has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
Many believe TCM is the oldest form of medicine and yet it is still being used in the same basic way that it has always been used. In this form of medicine, small, hair thin needles are inserted into the skin to muscle level of the patient in specific points around the body.
Acupuncture charts provide a detailed explanation
If you take a look at these charts, you can see these points are located on each meridian. These charts outline the full body indicating where the needles are placed. This provides the maximum amount of relief for a particular condition.
Skilled acupuncturists study these meridians for 4-5 years and master inserting needles along these points.
Today, many common medical problems and even more complex health problems are assisted through acupuncture. Everything from period pain to headaches can be supported by utilizing these ancient methods.
An Acupuncture or Meridian chart often helps to provide guidance to the practitioner
But more often so, they are used to help explain the treatments to patients. When you visit an acupuncturist, they are likely to point out, on the chart, what needs to be treated and how another linked meridian may be connected.
It can be challenging to see the benefits of this treatment at the outset, as the combination of what these different acupuncture points functionally do, may not make sense to someone not familiar with such theories on the human body.
Meridian charts are often used to help showcase information to the patient.
What better way than to see with your own eyes? Look at your meridian chart and discuss any question you may have. That way, you can begin to understand what acupuncture point combination, or prescription is being used.
There are so many things you can learn by looking at your charts, it’s really very interesting and many people comment that these ancient acupuncture charts ‘explain how they feel’.
Ask me (or your practitioner) any questions that come to mind. The sooner you grasp the way of the Meridian charts, the sooner you are likely to see the benefits.
If you are interested, I would certainly take the time to talk to you and explain any topics and explain the process to you, clearly. Click this link to book an appointment now! Talk soon!